Only does this disagreement create friction within the family, but the writer has serious concern about the needs of her mother that are going unmet. Being a “caregiver from afar,” she has been depending upon her “local caregiving” sibling to report to her the needs of their mother so that together, they might decide how to meet those needs. Her sibling does not respond. What should the concerned daughter do?
This is not an unusual experience within families with several siblings, but probably more pronounced in smaller families, where the caregiving resources are fewer and thus, the parent is more dependent upon the available caregiver(s). Negotiating among caregivers, while highlighting the preferences of the elder parent, is a service need that Senior Care Management is prepared to meet. Short-term or longer-term help can resolve differences among concerned relatives while helping the elder parent continue to maintain as much independence as is desired and possible.
A free consultation about issues such as sibling disagreements about caregiving may be helpful to be sure that all interested caregivers can contribute their concerns, and decisions about their parent will provide the parent with the best options available. Please call Senior Care Management & Consultation (605-940-4419) to arrange a free consultation session for you or for multiple family members.